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A 59-year-old patient consulted for biological hyperthyroidism (TSH0.01) with a hyperfixing thyroid macronodule on scintigraphy.


Ultrasound shows a right lower thyroid macronodule 5.83 cc (26.1 x 15.1 x 26.5 mm) hyperfixing on scintigraphy.


A cytopuncture confirms the benign nature of the nodule.


The option of thermoablation by radiofrequency under ultrasound guidance is preferred by the patient to the surgical option or IRA therapy. 


The nodule before thermoablation:



The biological control 3 months after the treatment shows a TSH 0 0.26.


The ultrasound control 3 months after the thermoablation shows a nodular volume of 2.08 cc (18.6 x 11.8 x 18.2 mm), i.e. a volumetric reduction of the nodule to 66.07% with complete disappearance of the vascularization



The biological control 6 months after the treatment shows a TSH 0 0.68.


Ultrasound control 6 months after thermoablation shows a nodular volume of 1.68 cc (18.3 x 11.4 x 15.3 mm), i.e. a volumetric reduction of the nodule of 72.6% with confirmation of the complete disappearance of the vascularization.


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