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A 64-year-old patient consulted following the discovery of a right retro-thyroid lesion during a Doppler examination of the neck vessels.


Ultrasound shows a lesion in contact with the lower pole of the right thyroid lobe measuring  31 x 15 mm of hypoechoic solid echostructure with regular clear contours.


The Doppler shows weak vascularization.



Diagnostic hypothesis:

  1. Giant parathyroid adenoma?

  2. Bulky thyroid nodule in extra-thyroid position?

  3. Bulky adenopathy?

  4. Others………


A requested PTH assay shows normal parathyroid balance with normal PTH and no hypercalcemia.


The thyroid biological assessment is also normal.


A cytopuncture carried out for cytological analysis and dosage of thyroglobulin and PTH.


The in situ assay shows the absence of thyroglobuline  and PTH.



Cytopuncture is non-contributory.


In the absence of diagnosis, a surgical decision accepted by the patient.


Examination of the surgical specimen compatible with un  altered schwannoma.


Absence of signs of malignancy.


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